Get Over It! ~ I haven't seen that movie in so long...
Well....hmm.... I started a blog all to Justin and I started one all to Kyle... I usually say everything I want to say to Jen on this one so yeah. The Justin one will probably be just me apoligizing over and over again for every dumb thing I say and do that concerns him or hell (in one case) doesn't even concern him. The Kyle one is basically gonna be about how much I miss him when he leaves for Iowa. Like only speciffics and stuff to the boys... otherwise they can read this one too. I update this one every night.
"everythings my fault... I went to Heavan but couldn't get in, for what I have done"
Yeah, so... Kyle came over at like 11 or something and woke me up after I hadn't gone to bed till like 6am or something... I'm hungry...I'll be right back...yummmm, ham and cream cheese roll-ups... anyways where was I? Oh yeah Kyle came over and woke me up, need a cigerette.... ok I'm good... ahhh can I ever finish a thought tonight or what... N-E-Ways, at like 1 or so Jen showed up but my Mom and Matt had taken off to the store so she couldn't come inside. I used my cell and called to ask but Matt said "no" cause he's a jerk! Oh did I tell everyone that I got a cell phone? Well... I guess I didn't really... it's not quite mine yet but it will be on the 19th and I got free nights after 9pm and free weekends which is when I will be using it mostly. I only get like 500 mins which I will have to use for like emergencies. But I'll have long distance and be able to call Travis (who was suppose to come see me this weekend and never did. Stupid boy!)and Kevin and Larry and Ashley and Leola, and my daddy and hmmm who else do I know who's long distance that I actually will be calling..... not a certain boy who I told in his own blog that I was gonna stop talking to him....
"got medication, a new addiction, fucking thanx a lot!"...
So anyways, we all had to hang outside for like two hours till mom and Matt finally got home. While we were out there we called Kevin... I didn't talk to him for the first 40 mins... I was upset thinking about Justin and what happened last night so I beat up the snowbank while Jen and Kyle talked to him. Eventually I stole the phone back from those scavengers (lol, j/k) and talked to him myself for like 20 mins. What we talked about is besides the point.
Never under estimate the power of a good pair of tweezers.
Once Kevin had to get off the phone Matt got back and everyone came in the house. I called Justin. He kept saying how he doesn't like me and he doesn't want to talk to me and all that shit he always says that I ignore.
I have a headache
"I'm sick, of my sickness, don't touch me, you'll get this, I'm useless, lazy, perverted, and you hate me...everything's my fault"
The phone died while I was on the phone with him. When we went outside for a cigerette later Rose told me that Justin wanted me to call and I was like "ha, I don't care, he's a jerk" hmmm...let's see...what else happened today?... We played on the computer a lot and Jen danced. She's a good dancer, she just doesn't have enough confidence about it. And she doesn't really time most of the moves right but she does the moves good. Hmm... well Jen had to leave at 6 and I was online reading other people's blogs... Kyle made a blog: So that's pretty cool. I ended up calling Justin again around 8:30. He said that Jen's grounded for like forever now because her mom found out she was talking to Justin. I guess Justin's grandmother called Jen's mom to try to fix whatever made Jen's mom not like Justin and it just got Jen in really big trouble and didn't help anything. Right after he told me that he demanded that I give the phone to Kyle and you know me I give that boy anything he asks... he talked to Kyle about the hott girl across the street from his grandmothers house who happens to be really hott acording to Justin so now I get to be jealous of a girl I've never even met but then again who am I not jealous of? I'm jealous of every girl that's ever crossed that boys path so what else is new? Why do I have such a jealous nature?
Kyle ended up giving me back the phone so that he could yell at Alicia on AOL and I had to talk to Justin. He said he didn't like me and didn't want to talk to me cause he's not my friend and all this stuff and then he's like, did u see the picture of that girl blah, blah, blah... and I'm like Justin if your not my friendand you don't want to talk to me then stop talking to me, and he's all like, fine bitch I won't talk to you like maybe we're friends, and I'm like you just said we weren't and he's like "is Kyle done yet I'm getting ready to head out" and I go "where are you going?" and he's like "none of your buisness you're not my friend" or something like that so I tell Kyle and he gets the phone. They hang up and he goes across the street to the girl's house. He gets online and talks to Kyle. Then Justin's friend, the Amanda girl I guess is her name signs on and talks to Kyle from her screen name till his dad gets here and he has to leave. He kisses me good-bye (sweet friendship kiss people) and takes off. I talk to the girl for like a min and she says that Justin says I'm "pretty dumb and I'm like "yeah that's what he thinks cause he's mad at me".... that was pretty much it. Then I came here and started writing in my blog. So that's it I guess... I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
Oh and Happy Birthday Mommy!