Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Kevin's note.....

Just got off the cell with Kevin he told me to update my notes to friends so here's the new update to him which will be posted on my website tomorrow when I get to the Edge:
Kevin, it really sucks that you can't come up for the weekend because of your grandmothers foot surgery. I miss you and hope to see you in person soon. Try to talk them into letting you come up next weekend and maybe we can ... cough...cough ... where did I leave off? Oh right you should come up here. Help me talk Justin into forgiving me and letting me be one of his best friends again. I mean I really love him and would do anything for him and it hurts that he thinks differently of me now ya know. I was just kidding about that other thing by the way. I'm not doing anything else to get me in any more trouble. Anyway, remember I love you and I miss you and try to come visit real soon.
So yeah, that's what I'm gonna put on the site. Funny isn't it? I think so. But I really do love him. As a friend at least. I wish there was more to it but there just isn't. And I bet he's happy about that LOL. But maybe if I had liked him a little then what happened might have not been such a big deal to Justin. I don't know....
Now onto other things.... I didn't go to school today. I stayed up really late waiting for Justin to sign back on the computer (Which he never did) as I was waiting I obviously posted our IM convo on here. Which you can read if you scroll down. What it basically says, since people who read it earlier didn't get it, is that he says yes, Jen is his best friend for a girl; and who cares that I had to work so hard for that status and she got it overnight. Like overnight superstardom or something. We also talk about Alien Vs Predator and his junky computer throughout the conversation, which got people confused. I stayed up waiting till like 1:30am but then I was too tired so I put on an away message (which he probably never even read) that said "gone to bed ... then school ... then night school starts tomorrow ... be back around 6pm. ~ Justin I'm sorry I couldn't wait up any more... I'm really tired. I hope u took care of that virus. I got school in a few hours. goodnight and I love you," and went to bed. I woke up around 11:30 am, which means it was too late to go to school and I missed my first speech class (awww too bad, LOL) and my first Wellness 3 class (awww that's sad too, yeah right)! Whatever, those classes are gay! I watched a little bit of Dawson. It was the episode where they go to the No Doubt concert. Then I went downstairs to take a shower and ended up talking to the councilor lady about what I'm gonna do to finish school and what I'm gonna do for college and stuff so I didn't get in the shower till 1:30. Then Matt got back and I got a ride to night school at the Kennebec Learning Center to find out that my class has been switched to Wednesdays which yeah I like Wednesdays better. It fits my schedule better to be on Wednesdays but someone should have called or something. Anyway there was this really hott guy there who's name I didn't catch who didn't get the message that the class day was changed either and was stuck there too. Plus that guy who was in my night school class last semester who's name I don't really care to remember cause he's kinda weird. After the hott guy finally gave up waiting and took off I used the other guys cell to call Russell for a ride. I had to beg and plead but he eventually came and got me. I had him drop me off at the Edge. Alicia cut off more of her hair. Jen wasn't there. I was told she had walked up to my house so I called up there but she had already been there and gone. I went and made ham and cream cheese roll-ups yum. When Jen showed up she was mad at me. I'm like "I told you I had night school, you should have signed on and checked my away message" Anyway, then I went on the comp and played Runescape a bit. Justin showed up and Alicia jumps out of her seat and runs up to him and hugs him. Then Jamie goes over to him and hugs him too. Then he goes in the living room type area to find Jen. A couple minutes later he comes out, calls James sexy for some reason and hugs me half heartedly. Then he goes back out to the living room with Jen. He comes back in the computer area and says that he's leaving. He hugs Megan and waves at me and him, Jen, and Alicia go outside. I get sad and need a cigarette so after a couple minutes I figure he's prolly already gone so I go outside to smoke. He's hugging Jen and Alicia good-bye. I walk down past them to light my cigarette. He finishes hugging them and goes "where's my hug good-bye?" to me. I go "you didn't want one" I don't know what happened next, I can't remember but I know I ended up hugging him then he left. Jen, Alicia, and me went over to stand in the little doorway a little down from the Edge to smoke and not get caught. Jen finishes her cigarette first and leaves me and Alicia ALONE! She still likes Justin and she's sad that he left. She wishes Jessi never came back in town (hey, just like me) and I tell her about how I feel replaced by Jen. I say something about Jen being my best friend and she says something about Jamie not acting like her best friend since Jen Thiboeau came back. I tell her I would be her best friend but I like her too much. Like, like her too much and she goes "Oh sure, now you like me" and I go "well, I liked you before too" and she didn't really say anything to it, but at least she didn't get weirded out. Then we went inside and Jen read my blog. Then I played on the comp and worked on updating my website until it was time to go. I was gonna get a ride with Alicia's step Mom but Matt showed up and I made him give Jen a ride home even though I didn't go to school which he doesn't like doing but she would have gotten in big trouble if she was late which she prolly already was. Then I went home and tried to get Lee to three-way Kevin but she lost her long-distance. I fell asleep watching Jeopardy and Lee called on her dad's cell and woke me up to ask why I never got online. I said cause all I wanted was to three-way Kevin. Then Jen called a little later during the show. I know I was talking to her during final Jeopardy. She hung up with me saying she was going to bed. This was like at 8. I borrowed the cell phone and called Kevin at like 8:02. I complained to him about making it obvious LOL. He can't come up this weekend because Sarah had foot surgery today but hopefully he'll be able to come up next weekend. I miss him. When he had to go at like 8:30 or so, I called Justin and ya know what he was doing..... talking to Jen. She said she was going to bed... ooh I caught her! I caught her! LOL! I don't care but she did say she was going to bed. I guess she just wanted to talk to him more than she wanted to talk to me but then again who wouldn't? I would defiantly prefer talking to him rather than myself LOL. But yeah he said to call back in like ten minutes and I told him to sign online. I couldn''t call back till 9 when it was free so I waited till 9:01 and no one answered the phone and he never signed online so I didn't get to talk to him *sigh* too bad. At least I got to talk to Kevin for a little while. At 9:20 I got online and I've been writing this and checking up on some things ever since. But now it's 12:37am and I'm supposed to be in bed if I don't make it to school I can't have anyone in the house this weekend and that would suck ass! Goodnight all who read this. Specifically Jen and Kevin, the only people who do. I love you both!


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