Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Friday, January 14, 2005

We're fighting....like always

So me and Justin are fighting again. This time it's my choice. I'm fighting with him because he doesn't care about me. Every time he comes over all he does is play on my computer. And when I didn't have the Internet he was all the time trying to get me to do stuff for him or give him stuff so I tried to stick up for myself this once and what happens he gets mad at me. Whatever, why do I need enemies when I have friends like him. Of course I didn't want to get mad at Kyle but ya know he was there and he was acting just like Justin picking on me so I got mad at him too. and I like don't have much time left with Kyle so I don't want to be mad at him. I don't know what's going on in my head. I do know that a lot of people are expecting to be able to hang at my house this weekend so I have to go to school tomorrow but fuck it if I don't make it. Maybe they'll leave me alone for one day. The only friend I have around here who I'm not really upset with is Jen. I love her. She's the best. Oh and Leola but she's not around here. Or Kevin but he's not around either. OK so I'm only mad at Justin really and Kyle kinda just got in the line of fire so I was mean to him. He didn't really do anything wrong. I love Kyle. OK so Kyle was just here. I guess at least he's not mad at me. I should apologize. OK I just said I was sorry and he said he wasn't even mad at me he was just playing it up like he was to get me upset LOL. So now I'm only mad at Justin. Because really he barely has ever hung out with me without using me for something and I'm sick of it. I don't need him that bad. Everyone says "stick up for yourself" and "don't let him push you around" so I tried and now we're not friends then so be it. Of course I'm probably gonna regret having ever wrote this because I still love him and I always will but I guess I'll have to get over it. And if he reads this then fine Justin read this I don't care. Do you like using me, Mr. bigshot? Think your all big and bad ... well I don't care how big you think you are, or how tough or bad you think you are. I love you for the person inside under all that asshole shit I know there's something there. But I don't want to be taken advantage of anymore and that's all I ever get from you. So if we can't be friends without me giving you stuff then so be it. See ya in the next life. Damn!

I love you Jen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you Kiwi!

I love you Leola!

I love you Kevin!

I love you Kyle!

I love you Alicia!

I love you Jamie!

I love you Nick! (who's not my brother)

I love you Melissa!

um.... who else..... nope guess that's it.... byes


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