Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


Kevin woke me up again this morning so I'm in study hall again. I woke up and took a shower and then Matt gave me and Kevy a ride to school. Stupid Kevin thinks he's so cool and stole the front seat but its ok because I love him
l---------------------------------this much------------------------------------l
Guess what though.... I have good news. After mom picked me up from night school last night we (Me and Nick) went to Family Planning and got little gift bags of condoms and stuff
(I got a glow-in-the dark one)
When I got home I went straight to Kevin's but he wasn't there. He was helping his Aunti Kim move into her new apartment.... but guess who was there....... I am so excited......
OJ opened the door and I'm like "Is Kevin here" and he goes "nope, but Brett is" Brett came out into the kitchen and I grabbed him and hugged him for like 20 minuets. Ohmygawd I missed him so much. I didn’t even realize how much I missed him but I really truly did. I came in and brought a chair in the living room from the kitchen. We got really high and I don't remember much after that. I know that at some point I got up and went home to use the bathroom and find out that Jeremy kid's last name for Brett. While I was home I got the munchies and ate so much food... yum!!! Now I'm hungry again damn it!
When I went back over next door Brett and some friends he had brought with him had gone to Cumberland Farms so I went back home and barrowed Matt's cell phone and called Justin. I talked to him about....something or other... lol I can't remember....
When I got off the phone with him I went back next door and Kevin answered the door. The first thing he said was "Brett's here" and I go "I know" and he's like "You know?" and I'm like "yep" so I went into the bedroom and gave Brett my photo album to look at. Rose called him out into the living room and I sat on the bed. Brett came back, looked at the pictures and Rose came in and yelled at him to get back into school and not to come to Augusta when he doesn't have a place to stay. She called her friend Dwight to come give Brett and his friends a ride. Rose let it slip that Justin has court today ...um... right now actually. It's 8:37 and his court was at 8:30... I started crying when she told me I couldn't skip school and go see him. I mean...
At like 9:05 I asked her if I could use her phone to call Justin. The first thing I said was "Why didn't you tell me you had court tomorrow" and he said he didn't even know. He made me give the phone to his mom and blah blah blah.... they talked. At 9:30 Dwight showed up so Brett and his friends left... btw Brett is still dating Kristy and he couldn't remember who even Trisha was lol. After they left OJ said it was time for me to go too so I asked Kevin for the phone so I could say goodbye to Justin. He was being an asshole and wouldn't give me the phone until I go
"OJ tell Kevin to let me say goodbye to Justin"
OJ did and Kevin finally gave me the phone. I go "Goodbye Justin, I love you" he's like "Uh-huh sure" and I'm like "I do, you're one of my best friends and I love you Justin" he's like "yep bye Tiffy" and I'm like "peace" lol. I was stoned!
I went home and wrote more of my Justin story **** and I wrote Kyle another letter and then I finished my Justin story **** and then I went to bed... I don't remember ever actually falling asleep. I know I must have at some point but it was real light sleeping and I kept waking up over and over again throughout the night...
I guess that's it for now
It was great to see Brett again
He is supposed to show up today too but who knows with him.
I love you Kyle James Sanchez
I love you Justin Davis Tilkins
I love you Kevin Andrew Tilkins
I love you Brett ______ Blake
(I know his middle name but it's a secret)
I love you:
Jenyfer ____ Clark
Leola May Colby
Kiera Marie McKenny
And anyone else who's ever been one of my best friends.... I love you and I miss you all.


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