God I am so tired... I'm putting up that collage today.... and some others... I hung out with Bobby the other day... oh I wrote that already... well then... um... I went to Jaylyn's baby shower on Saturday with Bethie... Becca too... me and Beth hung out all friday night at Wal-mart with Russell Hilton... then we went "shopping" all day... going shopping with Bethie made me miss Tori even more than usual.... um... today I went shopping as well... guess what happened... I cried in Barnes and Nobel... I went to the diary section and they had alot of the same ones as B. Dalton down in Mason and tears rolled down my face... Tori (always the perfect team), Rhiannin (Friends With Benefits.... - not me and Rhiannin you sickos... she got me that book lol) Mili (The Baby Countdown), Kevin (Diaries and Porn)... anyways... they had the purple one witht the magnetic cover and they had the red felt one with a heart on the cover and they had the blue and pink "Journal" ones... and it made me miss Mason real bad... I want to go back... I want to see them all again... I mean what did I come back here for.... Jessi... who I'm fighting with and is pregnant and gonna make a life with Luc even though he's a fucking asshole..... all penis' are... sorry Kyle if you read this but anything with a penis is an asshole and deserves to get it cut off... lol.... can you imagine? Um... what else did I come back for... Bobby... yeah well... he means nothing to me anymore... I thought I was falling in love with him and stuff... I admit that but... now I am so over him and anything with a penis it's not even funny... well exsept for Justin cause yall know I'll never be over that... but he still deserves his penis to be cut off... yeah so I've been scorned by men if ya can't tell... I want to start a book... I don't know... it's hard to get the time to write even on here so... um... yeah... there's always Jenyfer... and she is amazing (yes amazing) but I never get to see her and I fear we're growing apart because of this as well and it's hard for me.... I don't know... the only true thing keeping me in Augusta is my baby girl.... Gabby... I love her more than anything... maybe more than I love Kyle in some ways... I cannot leave her.... she's keeping me here... *sighs* well I gotta go anyways so... yeah peace...
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