Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Blogger wasn't working so this is from my tagged...

Blogger isn't working so here's what I have to say... today was the last time I am gonna be allowed in Justin and Kevin's old room... my mom was cleaning out her storage room... I went into the boys old room and cried for a while... it didn't make me feel better... I'm still sad... its bad enough that every time I walk down the street and look towards there house I know not a one of them will ever walk out those doors again... but... something about that apartment and that bedroom.... made me feel.... I don't know... it made me feel good... so many great memories... mostly with Justin... but Kyle, Kevin and even Brett too... Jen and Jessi... just... my memories... I am so overly sentimental... it's sick.... I just miss them all so much ya know... they're my best friends... Justin called me today from the collage... on his phone card... he asked me why I wrote that we aren't friends... He said I decided that... I thought he had decided to not be my friend anymore because of the whole Jessi thing.... um... I don't know what's actually going on.. I'm still a little confused as to how he feels but I think he still wants to be friends... Um... I talked to Jen for a couple hours today... um... yeah well the library is about to close so I guess that means I gotta go... but look at my tagged photos... I just added like a ton of pics...


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