Wow do you know how great it was to check my blog for comments and find that my two best friends in the whole wide world left me comments?
Kyle - "hey, its me. Wow, things aren't going to great for me. As much as she wasn't meant for me i kinda miss casey. It's no fun having her around always telling me she loves me. Shes like you when you're not here for me. Now i don't have her. well g2g peace!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 12:57:54 PM
Justin - "Tiffy i love you :) im at the computer lab till 3:45 today but you better call me on time.. :( its not like i did it on purpose. And kyle i miss you man and i miss everyone ecpecially the little ones i have been really depressed lately thinking about them being taken away. but it doesnt matter what laws or whatever are holding us back from seeing them ill lie cheat steal or kill to see my family happy so things have to work out.. Hey im 17 today :) wuts up now BIOTCH! (not directed towards anybody just felt like saying it... :)) "
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 7:10:47 AM
That made me so unbelieveably happy... I love you guys... and Justin I'm sorry I didn't call you on you're birthday... and you had to call me... lol... or well... your mom's house... but I was at night school until 9pm which is when the cell phones go free. Sorry... but you know I still love you.
Kyle... Gaby still talks about you being taken away by the cops... I'm sorry Matt's phone died the other night before I could tell you I loved you. I tried and tried to get to call you back but Rose wouldn't let me use her cell and the payphone wanted like 3 dollars and my sister's Subway didn't have long distance... I even thought about walking to Cumby's to buy a phone card for my cell but Matt wouldn't let me use the computer to put the time on it... grr... I hate him... Anyways I can't wait to see you again... god... I can't wait. I miss you so godamn much! I love you!
Anyways I'm like at school and stuff... so now what's been up with my life... um... well after I left the library Tuesday I had to go to work... That Mark guy was all hitting on me again and stuff... talking about me being good with my mouth and weather I shave or not and weather I spit or swallow and in my head I'm like... eww this pervert is getting a divorse from his wife it's only gonna get worse and ewww he's so old and... eww... NO! I keep talking to him about Jen and NaToni and I think he likes it or something because he keeps getting worse. He asked me if I thought it was sexual harrassment and I was like "No..." not at all sure... I think it is sexual harrassment but he gives me cigerettes and it's not like he's pushed me in the bathroom and forced himself on me... when that happens... we have big knifes in the back room and he will never be able to do that again... and he seems the type too... ewww... Anyways I went home and hung out with Jessi until she left and I went to bed. Wensday is pretty self explanatory... school and then night school... during lunch I walked to Hannaford's and got food with my food stamps... after school I went home... hung out with Jessi and did the dishes... took like a half hour nap... shot out of bed and went to night school. After night shool I went home and hung out with Kevin and Jessi until 10 when Kevin left and like 1 when Jessi left... I went to mom's and made food then watched like 6 episodes of Rosanne.. I went to sleep around like 4:30am or something like that... Thursday was my day off... yesterday I slept till 1:30pm... woke up, hung out with Jessi... hung out with Kevin a bit, went to Wall-mart with Jessi, picked out groceries and ended up calling Kevin's house to get a ride since no one picked up at Mom's and Matt didn't answer his cell... finally got home... got pissed off at Kevin because he said I couldn't keep my hands off him for more than 5 minets... then I went home.... and got drunk... left the room whenever Kevin came in it.
oh class is over... got to go
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