Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Addicted to pot?

You Know You're a Pothead When...

You think the song "Truckin'" by the Grateful Dead should replace the national anthem.

Your music collection is worth more than your vehicle. ( Don't have a car but I got a big cd collection)

Your bong is taller than your dog.

It takes you more than 30 minutes to roll a joint. (kevin!)

You set your wedding date for 4/20. (That would be so cool)

You take off April 20th every year and treat it as a holiday.

You spent your last bit of money to score some herbs and don't have enough gas money to get home but you don't care.

You start every sentence with - uhhh!. (sometimes)

You intentionally roll seeds in your joints on independence day so you can hear the popping because you don't have money to buy fireworks.

You eat at Taco Bell more than 8 times a week. (yum)

You wear sunglasses at night, and see better.

You go to the corner store and the clerk automatically tosses a pack of rolling papers on the counter.

Your pot tray is fuller than your refrigerator.

Your bong gets washed more than your dishes.

You sell your car for gas money

You are the only tobacco smoker in the room and you look at the cigarette in the ashtray and ask, "Is that my cigarette?" (hahahahaha)

You're eating something on your way home thinking about what you're gonna eat when you get home! (yes)

Every cylinderical object you see, turns into plans on a new smoking device.... (Nick!)

Just to be religous, you observe 4:20 in every time zone.

Someone has ever come up to you on the street and said "Hi" and you said "Yep." (Kevin)

You thought the ebola virus was a type of weed.

You think being stoned to death would be a damn good way to go out. (lol)

You have ever smoked pot before 8 o'clock in the morning. (yep)

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other pothead friends.


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