To: My friends on Valentine's day... some got these on Myspace fyi

for justin

For Justin again ... lol...

For Jenyfer (My Valentine)

For Jessi (kitties)

For Kyle and Tori (Darn alcholics)

For Kevin (Burn that one asshole)

Ok so... in other news.... um... Justin left for Houlten earlier today and in a few days I'll be homeless once again... My sister is moving in the next week or so... which means I will be homeless and jobless and everythingless for a while... I don't think I should get my own place when I'm leaving in june anyways... that's in 4 months... I should just save money by living at home... sleeping on the couch or at a friends every now and then... I mean... I practically lived at Kim's with Justin for the last week and a half... I don't know... I just think I'm gonna stay here till June 4th... I graduate June 2nd from night school so on June 4th I want to be on the bus to Mason City, Iowa... hopefully I will be heading back by September (I promised Justin I would be back for his birthday) and I can talk Justin into moving back to Augusta or just live up there with him if I must... I have to pee.... be right back... ok I'm back now... um so yeah... Justin left and I wasn;t really all that sad until I called his mom and she told me she couldn't pick me up in Bangor... I really thought I was gonna get to go... now the only way I can go is if I get someone to loan me the money even though I have no way of paying anyone back or paying my cell phone bill or anything.... god I need a job.... but I really want to go to Houlten to spend some time with Kevin and Justin... I know I saw Justin earlier today and all but I miss him already.... gtg
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