Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

So what's up....

So all that's happened yesterday (Saturday).... I woke up at 2:15pm.... Kevin showed up.... ya know what... I'm tired now... so quickly now... Jen showed up and we got high with her. Me and kevin got in a fight about me doing his laundry again (Oh yeah I slapped him because he was acting like Justin again)... and he got all pissy and went home. Jen left like soon after that. Kevin came back over and apoligized to me even though he still thought I was in the wrong. Yes I admit I shouldn't have hit him, I admit that. But he was an asshole and it's a natural reaction to hit someone when they're mean to me. I barley even realize I'm doing it when I'm doing it. But yeah... he keeps turning into Justin on me and it's getting scary. Kevin and me spend way too much time together... everyone always said me and Justin act like an old married couple... well.. heh... now me and Kevin are acting it (with one small difference, lol) I don't like Kevin though so it's a little weird. Anyways.... Leola showed up and then Monica and Cora showed up like two secounds later. We watched like 3 episodes of LAWKI.... finally Kevy saw some eps... damn!... Then we put all our money together and Kevy, Cora, and Lee went up to see Hippie. They got back and we got positive... Monica and Cora hung out till like 2:30ish... Kevin stayed and hung out with me and Lee till like 5 something.... at like 4am we played a game of magic cards and then at 4:20 we got positive... it was cool.. to say the least. After I was done giving Kevin a massage he jumped up and was like I got to get home. I'll be in trouble... blah blah blah... he doesn't have a curfew on weekends... it's not my fault my arms got tired so I couldn't do it anymore. Anyways he went home and I got online... plus I found a recipe for my peanut better cookies and made them... yummy! I burnt the first two batchec but the third came out great.... Well like I said I am really, really tired... so... night all... even though it's 8am....lol...ha ha...
I love you Kyle James Sanchez... I have so much to talk to you about, I can't wait till ur back... only like a week now.... I love you.
Justin I miss talking to you... um... ur still one of my best friends and because of that I love you.
Lee... hope ur having sweet dreams (*wink, wink*)
Jen... I love you girl...
Kiwi... why didn't you come over today?... huh?...
Nick... hey what's up... am I written into the book yet?
Monica and Cora... don't forget to return my stuff.... I love you guys
Josh... I haven't talked to you in a while now... what's been up with you?
Brett... u never came down this week like you said you would. I miss you.
NaToni... I know how you feel. We should become full fledge lesbians.... ha ha ha yeah right!
Ayone I forgot... I'm sorry... my stomache hurts and I'm tired... plus my positiveness is wearing thin. Love you all!


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