Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Whats Up?

Ok so... here's the deal... this is what's going on with my friends:

Kyle - hopefully packing or on his way here. It is the 7th.....

Jen - grounded for a week but back home so that's a good thing....

Kevin - playing basketball somewhere.... those pants make his butt look really good though, don't they?

Monica - Saw her at marching practice today. I wish I was graduating.

NaToni - on her way to Texas.....

everyone else... who knows.... oh and I got a 78 on my Foods Demo cause I forgot to unplug the electric mixer when I was getting the batter off from it.

Now the most important thing I need to write about. Date changes....
........... so I got home from school and went straight on Runescape and he was on too. I talked to Justin a bit about stupid stuff. Called his brother dumb and he agreed lol. Anyways, he had to go so I was like I'll call around 6ish blah blah blah. Anyways at 3:48 he called my cell and we talked for ten minets... well 9min 57 secs according to my cell. He tried to tell me that he lost the notebook and key I gave him that he's suppose to give back on his 21st birthday. I don't know how we got around to it but... oh... my mom said something about graduating and Justin is like "3rd try senior" lol and he was telling me about how he's gonna get his GED and go to college before I graduate and I said he'd never make it. I was like "I never said that. I always said you'd do great" I always have said he'd do great. He is so smart and if he just tried a little bit he would be so great. He can do anything he wants to with his life. He's like "That doesn't mean you won't have to take care of me for the rest of my life" and I'm like "I know"... then we got to talking about sex and stuff.... I told him, I'm like "Uh Justin, after I have sex with you, I have to have sex with Kevin" and he's like "We're not gonna have sex" and I'm like "Uh-huh in 4 years when you're 20" and he's like "maybe when I'm 21".... first he was like 80 but that's stupid so he said 21... jeesh.... that boy can never make up his mind. He's like "Why don't you just go have sex with Kevin" and I was like "Cause I don't wanna" and he's like "you just said you did" and I was like "yeah.... after I have sex with you" and then he said the 21 thing. I'm like "When your 21 I have to take you out drinkng and you have to give me back the notebook and key" and he tried to tell me he lost it. I like freaked out. If he lost that key.... I will be so mad!... then he told me he didn't lose either, that they were like in the bottom of one of his drawers. He better still have at least the key. The notebook isn't so important... it's just so that one day I can read it and see what was going on trough his mind and stuff. But that key.... anyways it's important... so yeah... at the end of our conversation he's like "You don't have a chasity belt do you, cause then I'd just throw away the key" and I'm like "No" because that's trully not what it is. If I want to have sex, then I can, I just... I want to make love to him and no one else. I don't know why... but I want it to be Justin... I mean... I love him... a lot... and I want to lose my virginity to him. I want to give him something he could never give away or lose or.... anything... I want him to have something of mine forever and if he takes my virginity then.... that could never change ya know.... I'm such a lozer.... I wanna cry.... well I'm gonna be done now because my eyes are getting wet and I wanna take a shower cause I'm all hot and sweaty... write more laterz.....


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