Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Kyle's gone. He called me from the bus station while I was at work. Then he called a little later while I was still at work and talked to KK a little bit. When I got home I called Leola on Matt's cell and had her call me back. I talked to her a bit and talked her into calling Justin. We only got to talk to him for a few minuets before his grandmother said she needed the phone. he told me to call back after his AA meeting was over at like 8 I think he said. I talked to lee a little more then had to get off with her so Kyle could call me cause he said he'd call around 7:30. He ended up calling at 7:16pm. He was in Boston. It makes me so sad that he's getting farther and farther away from me by the minuet. After he hung up with me I watched Jeopardy with Nick and fell asleep. I slept till 8:30 then got up and got online to tell lee to call me. She did and we tried Justin's but he wasn't home yet. His grandmother said he'd be home in like 15mins so we waited and called 15 minuets later but it went straight to the answering machine. We kept trying over and over and I even left a message once but ... yeah how could he have called back anyway I was already on the phone and I don't have call waiting. I got off the phone with Lee around 10 and went online to see if he was on but he wasn't. It froze on me and I closed out of AOL and Brett called. I talked to him till midnight and now I'm here writing this. Oh I want to add that after school got out (I didn't go) I went to Jen's bus stop but she wasn't on the bus so I started walking to work. When I got to the four way downtown she was crossing the bride with Michaela. I ran across the street and told her all the bad news. She punched a brick wall. I feel really bad for her being grounded while all her friends move away. Well, she wants me to go to school. Tomorrow will be a long day if I make it cause I have night school tomorrow too. But I really want to see her and talk to her so I want to go so I got to go to bed. I miss Kyle. I miss Justin. I just want my friends back.


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