Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Vacation... I know it was so long ago

Hey everybody who actually reads this crap I write LOL. Wanna know about my Vacation? If you do then keep reading. If you don't well then FUCK YOU! LOL, just kidding. So anyway vacation started out pretty cool. Last Thursday (that's not really the beginning of vay-k but I haven't written since before then ... oh wait I did.... I wrote about the whole OJ thing on Friday ... well I'm gonna start with Thursday anyway). Thursday I hung out with Justin all day. First in court and then we went to Chinese downtown (I already wrote about this in detail) Anyway that made me have a good day. Then Friday I went to school on time, that was part of the deal. All that shit happened with OJ Friday and I wanted to rip the guy's fucking head off. Not to mention Justin's grandmother couldn't come to pick me up that night so I sat up online with Justin till like 1:30am (And I got high) Saturday I wake up to my cell ringing. It said the number was restricted so I just answered it and it was Justin. I had him call my regular home phone, so it wouldn't use up minuets. He calls the regular phone and says they're coming to get me so I take a shower and get ready. He gets here and comes right up to my room. I was working on my book (a part that I really can't let Justin read) so I just minimized the box real quick. Locked up my room and went. When we were pulling out of the driveway he noticed Sarah's truck parked on the road (Sarah's is where Kevin and the kids are living) So he figured he'd try to see the kids right....? No big deal. But Cathie decided she'd go check and OJ got pissed and called the cops so we drove off. We called Rose's cell on the way out of town and Justin got to talk to Kevin. Kevin I guess wasn't allowed to talk to me because I told Justin's grandmother that I saw Rose and OJ doing crystal meth (which I said nothing like that, at all, ever! If they were doing that, then that's their business. I didn't tell Justin's grandmother that they were. It had nothing to do with me. I didn't know.) Justin told me that Kevin wasn't allowed to talk to me and I got upset. Kevin is one of my best friends too. Anyway I went out to Justin's for a couple nights. Before we got to his house we went grocery shopping at Shaw's and Justin found a Santa hat in the Clarence rack. He bought it so he would be cool like on Runescape. On Runescape having a Santa hat means ur rich. He walked all through the store in that hat. When I told him I was getting embarrassed he's like "fine then don't walk with me." But then I was like "fuck it, no one knows me here anyway" He took me down the alcohol aisle looking for Hennesy. We got to his house but his grandmother had forgotten the dog food, so we all piled back in the truck and made our way to a special pet store in Bath to buy food. There was a basset hound there and Justin and me named him Jimmy. Jimmy cost $700. In the truck on the way back Justin kept saying how cool Jimmy was and he was like "you should save up and get me Jimmy for my birthday" $700 is he crazy! I was like "maybe for a wedding gift and he's like "Tiffy do you want to marry me? I'll marry you if you buy me Jimmy" and then he started talking about marrying me so that when he joins the army he will get special benefits for being married. He's like "You know what will happen on the honeymoon?..... nothing!" Stupid jerk lol. But it was funny. When we got back to his house he played Runescape and I watched Charlie's Angels Full Throttle We went out for a cigarette at like 12:30 and when we came back I accidentally closed the door part-way (big mistake I guess) and we got yelled at so I had to get out of bed and open it back up. So the next day right...she asks Justin if "When the door was closed, was he putting on a condom" When he told me she asked that I was like "Oh no!" lol, it was so funny. I mean, it's not that I don't want him like that, because I totally do, it's that she thought he would do it. She thinks I'm a slut too, if she thinks I would do that. It's not like Rose hasn't accused us a hundred times of sleeping together ... but still, for his grandmother to think that too. Jeez! And another thing that was funny was he pulled a condom out of his pocket and right in front of his grandmother says "Well they already think we did it" kinda in a might as well tone. That was cute I was like "OK" and I grabbed his arm to like pull him in the bedroom and he came with but then I stopped and was like no.... Anyway this happened on Sunday. After she accused us we went to the movies. We saw Hitch it was a really good movie but it made Justin miss Jessi and me miss ... well.... Justin. It's a very, will make you wanna make-out movie. After the movie we went to the Family Dollar and I bough a lot of sugar free chocolate. I ate a whole bag peanut butter cups just on the way home. Then just a little bit after getting to his house I start feeling sick like I have to throw up. I lay down in his bed but they call me out to eat and I'm like I don't feel too good but Cathie made me eat anyway. Justin says she does that to him all the time, makes him eat when he's not hungry. Anyway, I ate and then I felt really really sick so I went in his room and laid down and took a nap. He watched TV with his family but woke me up to go to his AA meeting with him. That was fun. My stomach kept making funny noises and I felt like all my insides were twisting up and I was about to die. We went back to the house and Justin got on Runescape again. I gave him a long ass back massage while he was playing but I kept taking breaks and lying down throughout it because I didn't feel good. When he laid down in bed I started giving him another back massage and talking to him. He told Kyle I talk to much. We got into a fight about something that night... I don't remember now what it was about. The next day Cathy asked me if I was pregnant. I was like "God no! I'm a virgin" she's all "we all make mistakes" and I'm like "I didn't though I'm a virgin" She didn't believe me so that was dumb but whatever. I told Justin and he was like "damn, bitch already we just had sex Saturday" that was funny. He was joking by the way peoples. Anyway I got home Monday and I missed him the minuet they dropped me off. I got high on my own that night and get this (yes I'm a stupid stoner) I set my fucking hair on fire! Yep my bangs. I was so scared. I really am dumb! The next day I had to work. Then Lee came and got me and I went out to her house. No offense Lee but it was so totally boring. I helped her make a website though and her blog so that was cool. She came to my house the next two nights and we got high. Hung out with Nick Hodge like all night one of those nights. Friday Brett showed up at the Edge with his friend Dustin. Dustin tried to buy a bag off from Nick but got ripped off. When we got to my house Kevin was there. So we went up to my room and got high off the little bit that I had left. They kept trying to get me to flash them but I am way too self-conscious for that. Dustin has a perfect stomach by the way. But I still love Justin's chubby stomach better. After Brett and Dustin left me and Kevin just kinda talked for a while then he went home. The next day all I did was hang with Kevin and got high at night. That was fun. Um.... Sunday I hung out with Kevin again. Jen showed up to see me and was surprised Kevin was there. Me and Kevin walked Jen home. Then I went home and went to bed online I think... I don't really remember ... anyway I'm just trying to finish this up cause vacation was so long ago.... That was it I guess ... nothing else important.


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