Tiffy Jean

I'm 18, blond haired, blue eyed girl. I live in Augusta, Maine. I'm a senior at Cony High School.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A Summerland Life

Bradin got mad at Cally because she didn't tell him everything about her past.... Justin can't use that one against me, I tell him everything. He first got mad at her for not wanting to have sex with him. He can't get mad at me for that one either cause... well... I do want to have sex with him. I know, I know... were not even dating or anything but I'm not lying I would bed down with that boy in a heartbeat. I am in love with him. 2 years 14 hours and 56 minets... I LOVE HIM with all my heart. I love him so much that I would give up every other thing in my life just to be with him. I know he knows all this and he just doesn't care. I can't make him love me back. I try but I know it won't happen. I tried to get ver him by liking a new guy but it turns out the new guy I like is gay so that sucks. If I could just find someone else... anyone else then maybe I could get over him. There's just way too much I love about him that it hurts to not be in love with him. I swear I'm scared of not loving him.
Oh god Bradin just passed out cause he overdossed on drugs... that reminds me of the time Justin's mom thought he was dead after a night of drinking. My poor baby. I was so scared. I love him so much.... now I feel bad for not calling him or anything for the past two days. Two more days and I can call him. This is so tortous.. but if I want him to respect me and appreciate me then I have to give him time to actually miss me. He probably won't but it doesn't hurt to give him a chance. I want him to call me but I don't think he even knows my number. He makes me tell him it every time I tell him to call me back.
Well I guess that's it. Summerland's over. Maybe later I'll write more but I got lots of homework to get done and stuff so who knows?...


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